Source: United States House of Representatives – Congresswoman Susie Lee (NV-03)
Discussed investments in Laughlin water infrastructure and support for rural businesses
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LAS VEGAS – Congresswoman Lee (NV-03) welcomed Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabel Guzman to Laughlin, Nevada to take part in a rural small business tour.f
Congresswoman Lee and Administrator Guzman visited small businesses on the Colorado River, met with Laughlin residents and community leaders, held a roundtable on investing in rural communities, and attended a Rural Partners Network resource fair featuring representatives from local, state, and federal partners. Small businesses included the Double Shot Coffee Clinic and Laughlin River Tours.
“I’ve worked with Republicans and Democrats to secure critical investments for Laughlin — including to upgrade the town’s water infrastructure — because that’s how we ensure our rural communities prosper,” said Congresswoman Lee. “It was great to welcome SBA Administrator Guzman to Laughlin so we can continue our work to support small businesses, seniors, and working families.”
Supporting Laughlin small businesses means addressing Laughlin’s water supply concerns. That’s why Congresswoman Lee successfully fought to put federal investments to address Laughlin’s water storage problem in the Water Resources Development Act — which recently passed the House. Lee’s priorities include delivering $29 million in United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) environmental infrastructure assistance for improvements to the Big Bend Water District Water Treatment and Delivery System in Laughlin and another $20 million for the Las Vegas Wash that carries 200 million gallons of water to Lake Mead every day.
Congresswoman Lee was joined by SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman, representatives from the White House Rural Partners Network, rural advocates from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development, as well as leaders from the Laughlin Chamber of Commerce, Laughlin Town Advisory Board, and Laughlin small business owners.