MIL-OSI Russia: NSU scientists have developed a domestic platform for managing data arrays

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MIL OSI Translation. Region: Russian Federation –

Source: Novosibirsk State University – Novosibirsk State University –

As part of a grant aimed at supporting artificial intelligence research centers, researchers from the Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Laboratory for Stream Data Analytics and Machine Learning Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University create a solution that has all the advantages of AI for the construction and urban development sphere. An international team of developers is working on the development of the basic software — the KAPPA framework “Dataset and Model Management” — which includes specialists from Russia, Peru, India, Vietnam, China, Kazakhstan, as well as a group of philosophers who form the norms of the ethical development of artificial intelligence algorithms.

— The framework we are developing is designed to support the management of various data sets. It can be used to create applications for various purposes. The first debugging application of the framework is the project “Schoolchildren – Scientific Volunteers”, since within its framework, schoolchildren, in accordance with ethical principles, create a scientific data set, which can then be used to train artificial intelligence. We plan to involve the children themselves for cross-checking in order to improve the quality of the data. When it is high enough, we will be able to train artificial intelligence to solve the same problems when processing data as schoolchildren. But we will not do this in order to relieve young researchers from doing this work and shift it to artificial intelligence. It is important for us to show them how, based on the data they receive, artificial intelligence algorithms are created to solve the problems that they previously solved themselves. We want to achieve an important pedagogical goal – teaching schoolchildren the basics of using and training artificial intelligence, based on an understanding of the essence of the algorithm, – said the head of the Laboratory Evgeny Pavlovsky.

The idea of the project, which is at the intersection of two sciences – biology and artificial intelligence, belongs to the head of the Laboratory of Stream Data Analytics and Machine Learning of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of NSU, leading researcher of the NSU Artificial Intelligence Center Evgeny Pavlovsky. This project is designed to replenish schoolchildren’s knowledge of the nature of their small homeland, awaken their interest in studying the world around them, teach them to apply a scientific approach, motivate them to research activities through understanding the methods of artificial intelligence. The scientist shared his idea with the director of the regional Education Foundation Maya Gichgeldieva. This organization is engaged in projects to involve schoolchildren in research and engineering activities, organizes programs for training mentors for project activities of schoolchildren. It was decided to submit a grant application, which received support from the Presidential Grants Fund.

Currently, the project “Schoolchildren – Scientific Volunteers” has entered a new stage – more than 1,300 schoolchildren and teachers from all over the country have registered in a specially developed database, which they will fill with the results of their observations of wildlife. This project was among the winners of the Presidential Grants Fund competition and is being implemented with the assistance of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region. It is organized by the regional Education Fund. The goal of the project is the professional orientation of schoolchildren in scientific research activities through a system of scientific volunteering. The scientific partners of the project are the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

More than a hundred educational institutions from 30 regions of the country, having received letters from the organizers, declared their readiness to participate in this volunteer project. Among them are schools from St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol and Primorsky Krais, as well as other regions of Russia.

To participate in the project, teams of teachers and students were formed, where there were several schoolchildren per mentor. The training of scientific volunteers was conducted in the format of online lectures on the SYNCWOIA platform. The project participants were taught how to keep records, identify species of animals, plants, mushrooms and soils, and how to properly make video and audio recordings. The children also received new knowledge on conducting research and working in the field of information technology – with big data, neural networks and computer vision.

Since March this year, groups of scientific volunteers have been working in the field. Each team selected several natural sites, thoroughly examined them and collected material on plants, animals, mushrooms and soils, recording this information in detail. Now they will have to form their own datasets with photo, audio, text descriptions, metrics and data on the site in a common database. It is important that the data does not have internal inconsistencies and complies with accepted standards of scientific observations, so they will be verified by scientists. After assigning the data the status of “checked” or “verified”, all information will be combined into a scientific database, on which the artificial intelligence model will be trained.

In mid-September, schoolchildren will begin defending their projects, and the databases created based on their observations of nature will be supplemented with new information. Work will be done to improve the quality of the collected data. Specialists involved in the project will provide the database with additional functions that will allow you to look at the information already entered, making selections by territory and other characteristics. The work on teaching artificial intelligence with the participation of schoolchildren will begin in September 2024.

Please note: This information is raw content directly from the source of the information. It is exactly what the source states and does not reflect the position of MIL-OSI or its clients.

Please note; This information is raw content directly from the information source. It is accurate to what the source is stating and does not reflect the position of MIL-OSI or its clients.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and or sentence structure not be perfect.

MIL OSI Russia News