Source: European Parliament
Question for written answer E-001540/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Yvan Verougstraete (Renew)
As part of the European Green Deal ‒ and more specifically the Zero Pollution Action Plan for air, water and soil ‒ the Commission has been reviewing the Directive concerning the management of bathing water quality to determine whether it is still fit for purpose in terms of protecting public health and improving water quality, or whether the existing rules need to be updated.
The outcome of this process was to be announced during the first quarter of 2023, but nothing has been presented to date.
In view of this:
- 1.Why has the Commission not yet presented its evaluation of the Bathing Water Directive, and when will it do so?
- 2.To date, the scope of the Directive has been limited to analysing microbiological pollutants that can pose a risk to human health. Does the Commission intend to include an evaluation of the impact of chemical pollutants on water quality?
Submitted: 21.8.2024
Last updated: 2 September 2024